BSB 14/02/1986 Friday

BSB 14/02/1986 Friday I went to pick the kitten up in the morning, with Alexandra and Ana. On the way back we were trying to think of a name. Mel (honey) because of its colour, Remi… We named it “Remi do Mel”, but we all call it a different name. We left it at my … Read more

BSB 14/12/1985 Saturday

BSB 14/12/1985 Saturday I miss Henrique!!! Renata, Alexandra, me, and Andre (nosy) went to the club in the morning, we played volleyball until 12:30. I was talking to Ricardinho, Deca’s youngest brother. Piolho, who is 19, is the oldest. He treats me like a little sister, but won’t go near Alexandra, because his girlfriend won’t … Read more

BSB 13/12/1985 Friday

BSB 13/12/1985 Friday In the morning went to the club. It got cloudy at 10:30 and it felt really suffocating and closed in. We left at 11:40 but took ages to get a lift back. In the afternoon Renata, Alexandra and I met, Valeria turned up, and we decided to get a lift to Guara … Read more

BSB 17/11/1985 Sunday

BSB 17/11/1985 Sunday Woke up at 8:30, very tired, called Vivi and we woke Alexandra and Renata up and went to the club. It was the football final at Assefe. Juventus vs Remo. The first time ended 0x0 and during the break one of Remo’s players got into an argument with Juventus’ supporters (us in … Read more

BSB 10/11/1985 Sunday

BSB 10/11/1985 Sunday I stayed at Ana Amelia’s in the morning. In the afternoon Vivi, Renata, Ana, Alexandra and I went to Cristina’s house. The last few times I’ve seen her she said she was 4 months pregnant, but in truth she’s only 3, but looks about 5 months pregnant. It seems they might be … Read more