Sunday 26th of January 2014 – Hitchhiking in Brasilia

Sunday 26th of January 2014 – Hitchhiking in Brasilia Between 1984-1986 our preferred mode of transportation was hitchhiking.  Growing up in Brasilia seemed so safe we never once felt we were in any danger.  Even so, we’d never give them our correct phone number (some people asked) or told them exactly where we lived.  I … Read more

BSB 09/09/1986 Tuesday

BSB 09/09/1986 Tuesday Holiday for Independence day, so Renata and I cycled to the club. There was an ice-cream festival and we ate a lot. The club was packed and China the cute was there. Then we cycled to 103 but Vivi wasn’t home. We left our bikes home and got a lift with two … Read more

BSB 03/03/1986 Monday

BSB 03/03/1986 Monday I stared longingly at the Geography teacher during the lesson… I was talking to Faiga and she looked at me with a face! As if to say ‘be quiet’. She must know I have a crush on George, the way I look at him. In PE me, Faiga, Juliane, Juliana, Katia and … Read more

BSB 20/02/1986 Thursday

BSB 20/02/1986 Thursday Marcelo is becoming friends with Flavia (a really stuck up girl), but we still do some staring, discreetly. At least he knows my name. Today I met Ari, Biology teacher. Magdal and Ribeiro, who teach Maths. In the afternoon Renata, Ana and I went to Cristina’s, Alexandra was there. We decided to … Read more

BSB 18/02/1986 Tuesday

BSB 18/02/1986 Tuesday Renata’s mum took us to school, same as yesterday. We have two Physics teachers, and the 1st period was with Donizete. I sat with Raquel and Viviane. Marcelo sat behind me, on the other side of the class. After that we had Literature with a guy called Jota (J), what a weirdo! … Read more