London 07/03/1990 Wednesday

London 07/03/1990 Wednesday Hi! Letitia and I went out after class last night. We went to Trocadero first, neither of us had been to the ground floor and it blew our mind! It was like being in 2001, Space Odyssey. Very aerodynamic, like being in 2050! We went up and started talking to people, we … Read more

London 26/02/1990 Monday

London 26/02/1990 Monday On Thursday and Friday last week the weather was unbelievable, sunny, 17c! Amazing! Except this warm air front met with a cold air front and the shit hit the fan! Yesterday and today the winds were up to 150km/h. Twelve people died in the UK. Joe cut down my working hours (I … Read more

London 21/02/1990 Wednesday

London 21/02/1990 Wednesday Got a letter from my cousin with shocking news. Firstly she said Elmo had died in a car crash on the 26th of December. It made me think of my dream at the end of October, about a car crash. He hit a truck and died instantaneously. Unbelievable! Then our grandad Gennaro. … Read more

London 10/02/1990 Saturday

London 10/02/1990 Saturday Went to a party last night. First I went to Letitia’s house after work. Mauricio, Gilberto, 2 other Brazilians and Gilberto’s English girlfriend were there. I said I’d be there at 8 but didn’t make it until 9… Joe wouldn’t let me go until 8:15. So I got there and off we … Read more