London 25/05/1990 Friday

London 25/05/1990 Friday Hello! First the financial news: I decided not to work at Joe’s shop anymore and spent two more weeks delivering the magazines and looking for night jobs in supermarkets. Last week Helena told me there was a job in the cafe/restaurant just about the opposite side of Joe’s shop. I went there … Read more

London 11/05/1990 Wednesday

London 11/05/1990 Wednesday I’ll write in English to practice… Gustavo arrived, eventually, on last Friday. It was so strange, after 6 months, seeing him again. We went to Capoeira and we made love later on. It was just unbelievable. On Saturday I worked three hours at the shop because Joe phoned asking to work again … Read more

London 02/05/1990 Wednesday

London 02/05/1990 Wednesday Letitia went on holiday and left her keys with me. Gustavo can stay there until they come back from Tenerife. The sun has been shining intensely for the last week, everyone is wearing shorts, it’s 25c during the day and it stays light until 9. It’s like summer! I’m still unemployed, and … Read more

London 28/04/1990 Saturday

London 28/04/1990 Saturday At Capoeira, on Monday, Denise and Robinson had a huge argument during lesson. A really bad one. So bad Letitia, her new boyfriend and Marcia left in the middle of the class. I was depressed, and so was everyone who stayed till the end. After it was finished, me, Karl and James … Read more