London 13/07/1990 Friday

London 13/07/1990 Friday I can’t find a pen anywhere, so I’ll use this pencil instead… Hum, where to start… On Saturday I went to Seven Sisters with 2 bags full of clothes. I got there at 5 and there was no one in the Brazilian squat. I went to the 14th floor (Felipe and Wagner … Read more

London 06/07/1990 Friday

London 06/07/1990 Friday I don’t think we can go to Greece. Patrick spoke to his boss and he said he’d would need at least five weeks to find someone to replace him… I’m at the launderette right now, by the way. I went to visit Letitia on Tuesday. On a whim I just went out … Read more

London 29/06/1990 Friday

London 29/06/1990 Friday I’m smoking one now… Had a weekend half-way through the week, a very mad one. Patrick said he’d go to Capoeira on Monday, but didn’t go because Ireland won the game, and it had gone to penalties. On Weds he called me, and came to my place after work, we ate and … Read more

London 25/06/1990 Monday

London 25/06/1990 Monday Heellllooooooooo!!!! Brazil lost to Argentina yesterday. Still can’t accept it, but also not too bothered. It’s not the end of the world, but Brazil must be waking up a little sad today. As we were planning on going to Glastonbury I asked for Saturday and Monday off, at the beginning of last … Read more

London 19/06/1990 Tuesday

London 19/06/1990 Tuesday On Friday, before going to meet up with Sandra, James came here saying he got us an audition for Glastonbury, which is on next weekend. Patrick asked me to go with him but it’s too expensive. If we go to show Capoeira we get in for free! We met with Sandra and … Read more