London 17/10/1990 Wednesday

London 17/10/1990 Wednesday Patrick called me on Monday afternoon, he wasn’t going to Capoeira but he asked me out for a drink, as he wanted an explanation of the letter I wrote to him. After Capoeira I went to the usual pub we got to after class (Cock Tavern, Highbury Station). There he was, looking … Read more

London 14/10/1990 Sunday

London 14/10/1990 Sunday Everything was going well, until last Thursday – two Thursdays ago was also rough. Patrick didn’t call me at work, and silly me, I still went to 7 Sisters, after English class. When I got to Patrick’s, Sean told me he’d gone to the pub with George. I went to D’s flat, … Read more

London 09/10/1990 Wednesday

London 09/10/1990 Wednesday Had a crazy week! Last Tuesday I decided to stay at home with my mum and not move out. I started a photography course last Monday. On Weds I went to Seven Sisters and stayed with Patrick. On Thursday I went to work and Patrick didn’t call. When I saw my mum … Read more

London 26/09/1990 Wednesday – Trip to Ireland

London 26/09/1990 Wednesday – Trip to Ireland We are back already, unfortunately. What a great trip. We arrived in Dublin at 23:00 on Thursday and Patrick’s relatives picked us up and took us to Ashbourne. We went straight to the pub for Patrick to drink proper Guinness and I met Patrick’s father’s four brothers. We … Read more

London 20/09/1990 Wednesday

London 20/09/1990 Wednesday Gustavo went back to Brazil a while ago, I think it was the 30th of August. Tomorrow night Patrick and I are going to Ireland to his nephew’s christening on Sunday. I wasn’t going but he insisted and I thought why not? We are going to Galway and I’m going to meet … Read more