London 22/11/1989 Wednesday

London 22/11/1989 Wednesday A month ago I was leaving Brazil and everything changed so much in that period. You wouldn’t believe it! Today was a day more than amazing. It started off pretty badly, I had a headache and was arguing with my mum. She went and left me without a penny! Guess what I … Read more

London 15/11/1989 Wednesday

London 15/11/1989 Wednesday Arse! It’s 19:35 and I saw NOTHING on TV about the elections in Brazil, all they talk about is Perestroika here, Berlin Wall there, ambulance strikes… Don’t these stupid imperialists realise what an important day it is in Brazil? Instead they had a report about Lambada, ‘the rhythm that has invaded Europe’, … Read more

London 14/11/1989 Tuesday

London 14/11/1989 Tuesday Tomorrow is a very historic day for my country! I’d give a year of my life (or more) to be there. My God, how am I missing out on this crucial episode of my country’s history? How I wish I could be there. Yesterday I saw fog for the first time in … Read more

London 12/11/1989 Sunday

London 12/11/1989 Sunday Yesterday, after going out for a walk in the park nearby (Clissold Park), with my mum, and some shopping, I did a massive spring clean of the flat. It must have been quite something as I’ve lost 2kg from Friday to Saturday! The Brazilians who live upstairs are Marco and Heloisa. The … Read more

London 11/11/1989 Saturday

London 11/11/1989 Saturday Carmen arrived last night, bringing news, hot from the press, Veja, Casseta, JB, O Globo… The election has become the joke of the century! Sarney, wanting to topple Collor, asked Silvio Santos to put himself forward as a candidate. The idiot accepted it! The PMB candidate sold his ‘sigla’ (acronym) to Silvio … Read more