London 04/02/1990 Sunday

London 04/02/1990 Sunday I haven’t had time to write… On Monday I went to Letitia’s as it was Mauricio’s leaving party, which got cancelled, but she couldn’t get hold of me and I went there. She cooked pasta for me and Gail (her friend and flatmate). I like her so much, she’s like an older … Read more

London 26/01/1990 Friday

London 26/01/1990 Friday I’m still working like a slave… Joe’s wife, Pat (she had been off sick), has been back to work since yesterday. She’s twice my age and has twice my energy! What a woman! She works from Monday to Monday, more than 12 hours a day, and she never stops… No wonder she … Read more

London 21/01/1990 Sunday

London 21/01/1990 Sunday The woman never turned up, from the babysitting job, so I phoned her up to find out why. She said she could only pay £30 a week, and I just laughed at her face. Erm, 9 hours a day, Monday to Friday for £30! I nearly told her to f off. She … Read more

London 20/01/1990 Saturday

London 20/01/1990 Saturday hehe, you won’t believe this… The woman who phoned me yesterday about the cleaning job is actually a cleaner looking for work, who thought I was looking for a cleaner! It was my mum’s ambiguous advert on the shop window. That’s not the worst part. I didn’t have the heart to tell … Read more