BSB 1/12/1985 Sunday

BSB 1/12/1985 Sunday In the morning we went to Assefe: Renata, Vivi and I. Vivi left soon because Pedro got in but was asked to leave, Vivi went with him. We played volleyball all morning. Later, at around 1 we sat by the pool with Deca, Piolho, and Fernando. I sat in front of Piolho, … Read more

BSB 30/11/1985 Saturday

BSB 30/11/1985 Saturday Henrique and Riba came here in the afternoon but left soon after. I then told Renata and Alexandra what had been going on. Renata came home with me and I called Henrique. The nosy cow grabbed the phone and spoke to him. He said he would never say what he said to … Read more

BSB 28/11/1985 Thursday

BSB 28/11/1985 Thursday Had Portuguese test in the first period. The atmosphere of the penultimate day was heavy. Johny talked about this new school ‘Modelo’ and almost convinced everyone to go there. During the break I had a massive fall! Riba startled me, I bumped into Johny then I fell down. We rehearsed during the … Read more

BSB 27/11/1985 Wednesday

BSB 27/11/1985 Wednesday We rehearsed the play during PE. I got a B in Geography test, add that to the 50 points we got from our presentation and my final grade will be 93%, an A! In the last period everyone got really sad, because the year is nearly finished and lots of people cried, … Read more