BSB 9/12/1985 Monday

BSB 9/12/1985 Monday The dollar is at 9650crz in the official market and it jumped to 14000crz in the black market! Stayed at home all morning, suffering from the heat, so suffocating! Went out in the afternoon; Ana Amelia has a cold and she’s being a pain. Went went out in the evening with Renata … Read more

BSB 4/12/1985 Wednesday

BSB 4/12/1985 Wednesday I called Henrique at 2, asked if she’s going to study at CIL next year, he said he thinks he is and I arranged to call him on Friday, so we can enrol together. Tati, Lara and I went to Fabiane’s. We made popcorn, juice, he laughed and concluded there’s only the … Read more

BSB 3/12/1985 Tuesday

BSB 3/12/1985 Tuesday Went to school in the morning to see the results and to do something. Lara, Tatiana and Fabiane came too. Some boys were there too. Karina will have to resit a lot of subjects. We stayed there until 10. Fabiane took the photos she took on the last day in school, and … Read more

BSB 2/12/1985 Monday

BSB 2/12/1985 Monday Henrique called me in the morning and we talked about nothing much, he said he’d call me later but didn’t. Holidays are so boring. Nothing to do. Stayed at home all morning, went out a bit in the afternoon, then in the evening Alexandra and I talked. Renata wasn’t allowed out. I … Read more