BSB 20/09/1986 Saturday

BSB 20/09/1986 Saturday I decided to send Henrique a letter, talking about stuff, like love and friendship. I don’t expect anything, it was more a ‘get it out of your system, goodbye’ letter. I told him how I feel and at least it’s out there, and I’m not keeping it inside. Sometimes I don’t even … Read more

BSB 12/09/1986 Friday

BSB 12/09/1986 Friday Once again I didn’t revise for tomorrow’s tests today, but that’s because I had revised already. Instead I went through my earlier journals. Weird how you change in two years… Sometimes it’s like it was written by someone else. One of the few things that haven’t changed is the desire to write, … Read more

BSB 31/08/1986 Sunday

BSB 31/08/1986 Sunday I can’t stand my mum anymore. My tummy is aching from all the coughing, my voice is gone and my head aches and she keeps nagging me. She picks on everything I do. If I go out, if I answer back, if I smoke, if I walk, if I breathe, if I … Read more

BSB 22/08/1986 Friday

BSB 22/08/1986 Friday Long time! I received a letter from Maira today, also a letter from Ana Luisa, she’s living in the USA now. Luis went to school on Wednesday and my ‘relationship’ with Rilson is collapsing, thanks to me. He came here yesterday, after two weeks, and I didn’t even kiss him, he asked … Read more

BSB 16/08/1986 Saturday – The most anti-climatic kiss in the history of the universe EVER

BSB 16/08/1986 Saturday – The most anti-climatic kiss in the history of the universe EVER In the morning I did the Biology resit. The day went as normal and the night finally arrived. Henrique called me yesterday! We went to the show: Renata, Daniela, Andrea, Fernando and I. My school was in heavy attendance, representing!. … Read more