BSB 18/09/1987 Saturday

BSB 18/09/1987 Saturday Thursday me and Alessandra skipped school and went to Sigma. But the doorman knew me (as I’ve been there twice before and was chatting to him) and wouldn’t let us in. So we went around the back of the college, jumped the fence, walked across the PE courts and as we approached … Read more

BSB 20/12/86 Saturday

BSB 20/12/86 Saturday Hi!!!! I went to the club on Thursday and Friday, and I have a nice tan! In the afternoon Renata called Andre to her flat, to tape some of his records. Andre and I argued like cat and dog (I used to be his girlfriend!). He’s so annoying. He’s 18 and is … Read more

BSB 27/11/1986 Thursday

BSB 27/11/1986 Thursday On Tuesday I went to 108 and saw Henrique. He’s making me hate him though. I called him yesterday and he was being a dick. He said he’d come here today at three to help me with Physics. But he said it with a pervy voice, like he was assuming we would … Read more

BSB 23/11/1986 Sunday

BSB 23/11/1986 Sunday I went to Assefe on Saturday and then Vizinhanca on Sunday. Henrique was there today. So good to see my beloved. But that club is so busy! The pool is dirty, I can’t even swim in it. When I was leaving, and thinking Henrique had gone, he walked to me and asked … Read more