BSB 27/08/1985 Tuesday

BSB 27/08/1985 Tuesday Again, no PAE class, the teacher didn’t go, so we sat at the bench behind the canteen. Ana Paula, who used to study at Caseb, came in today and said that on Saturday Henrique and Riba called her asking for my telephone number. Science class was dull. We had two History classes … Read more

BSB 23/08/1985 Friday

BSB 23/08/1985 Friday Geography class was great. On the way back from P.E. Henrique and Riba invited me to go to the cinema, with Daniele. We talked quickly as Mrs Lili Bicudo was getting into my classroom and we had a test, which was ridiculously easy. During the break the three of us were together … Read more

BSB 22/08/1985 Thursday

BSB 22/08/1985 Thursday Today it’s been precisely 3 months without rain and then at 6 in the afternoon it rained. Quick rain, but for dry, parched Brasilia, it was very refreshing. In school, at the entrance, I gave Daniele’s notebook to Henrique e Riba, and they wrote on it. In PAE I got 11 points. … Read more