BSB 26/09/1985 Thursday

BSB 26/09/1985 Thursday Portuguese teacher booked a test in conjunctions for tomorrow, I paid no attention to the class, was talking to Lara, Orlando, Karina and Fabiane. Tatiana’s aunt died and the funeral was today, she wanted to take the Maths test in the 2nd period with 8B but the teacher didn’t let her, so … Read more

BSB 24/09/1985 Tuesday

BSB 24/09/1985 Tuesday The time of the year I like has finally arrived: Cold, cloudy, with a bit of rain. Before school Pat Lima told me that Daniele had sex with Junior (her ex), Karina told her, and Daniele told Karina. Today my eye was swollen… At first I thought it was conjunctivitis, but my … Read more

BSB 13/09/1985 Friday

BSB 13/09/1985 Friday I didn’t write out of laziness. The bankers and private school strikes continue. Today we only had the first three periods. Before the first period Daniele came to talk to me, as she missed two school days. She was mad at me because I told Henrique about our conversation at the bus … Read more

BSB 11/09/1985 Wednesday

BSB 11/09/1985 Wednesday Karina, Fabiane and I skipped P.E. then we had Geography and RE. During the break it was the four of us and Marcelinho, Daniele wasn’t in today. Then we had Science and Maths. A very ordinary day. There is a bankers strike right now all over Brasil, result: very few banks are … Read more

BSB 10/09/1985 Tuesday

BSB 10/09/1985 Tuesday In PAE I got 25 points! I was one point behind Gleice, but now I’m well ahead, with 115. I saw Henrique and Riba when I was going to 2nd period. They said they put some gossip about me on the school newspaper, then said they didn’t. Just in case I sent … Read more