BSB 03/10/1985 Thursday

BSB 03/10/1985 Thursday Nothing much to report from school. We had a very easy test, I think I got one out of 24 questions wrong. On the way out me, Henrique, Daniele and Riba walked together. Riba and I walked fast and left them behind. I had arranged to meet Henrique at 13:10 so we … Read more

BSB 02/10/1985 Wednesday

BSB 02/10/1985 Wednesday PE teacher didn’t go, so we arranged the desks in our classroom as a square. Lara, Valdomiro and Ana were giving a lecture on world economy, followed by a debate. Orlando sat next to me and the teacher was mad at us because we talked too much to each other. During the … Read more

BSB 30/09/1985 Monday

BSB 30/09/1985 Monday Today was resit for Maths, half the class were taking it. For the rest we got split into groups of 6 and we did some work. In my group was Pat Lima, Natacha, Johny, Tatiana and Pat Mara. We were just talking very quietly rather than doing any work. We played dodgeball … Read more

BSB 27/09/1985 Friday

BSB 27/09/1985 Friday Last night I went to Playcenter with Renata, Juliana and Ana Amelia. As it’s on its final days you only pay to get in and then you can go on any ride. We went on the rollercoaster 10x, they even stopped looking at our stamp, as they knew us. It rained quite … Read more