BSB 29/10/1985 Tuesday

BSB 29/10/1985 Tuesday Fabiane and Lara got their photos back from the trip and as I ruined the ones I took I’m going to borrow their negatives and get copies. We rehearsed the play, which is shit, but at least my conscience is clear. At the start of the year I picked dance, not theatre, … Read more

BSB 24/10/1985 Thursday

BSB 24/10/1985 Thursday Today Henrique barely spoke to me, he can get lost. I don’t think we are friends anymore, after the trip, it feels odd. I think I lost my brother… The boy I fell in love with in English is called Jose Alfonso, Lara was in his class last semester. I received my … Read more

BSB 23/10/1985 Wednesday

BSB 23/10/1985 Wednesday Didn’t do PE as I had a headache. We asked the RE teacher to let us go to the library to do our Geography assignment, it was moved to next Wednesday. In the afternoon I did some of the Geography work, then went downstairs for a bit. When I came up two … Read more

BSB 22/10/1985 Tuesday

BSB 22/10/1985 Tuesday I was doing some drawings during the 1st period. The bell for 2nd period rang and Henrique turns up, all friendly, took my Walkman and spent 10 minutes messing about. Luckily the Science teacher wasn’t in today and I didn’t miss the class. I got 96% in History. Henrique and Riba stole … Read more

BSB 21/10/1985 Monday

BSB 21/10/1985 Monday I got an A in Maths!!!! I had my report the other day, these are my marks for the 3rd bimester Portuguese: B History: A Geography: B (1 absence) Science: A Maths: B (1 absence) Dance: Satisfactory PE: Satisfactory RE: Satisfactory PAE: Excellent During the break Henrique didn’t even look at me… … Read more