RJ 31/07/1986 Thursday

RJ 31/07/1986 Thursday Today Maira and Jeison had a serious fight, because of last night. Ana and Joubert (Maira’s friend) went to their house and Jeison was out. Then he gets home at 11 at night and we started playing poker. It was fun. Maira who is very good friends with Joubert, was playing and … Read more

RJ 28/07/1986 Monday

RJ 28/07/1986 Monday We got back from Friburgo today. Maira and I argued last night for very little. We were playing cards, then I said something, Maira mumbled something, I answered back and then we stopped. We haven’t spoken today. She says something offensive, then we react and then she says ‘I was only joking, … Read more

Friburgo 26/07/1986 Saturday

Friburgo 26/07/1986 Saturday It’s so cold here and while I sleep in an ice box, Maira, Jeison and Gabriel sleep in the room with the heater. What an injustice. I went to fliperama today and bumped into Fabiane! The one who got off with Henrique and was in my class at Caseb, the headmistress’ daughter. … Read more

Friburgo 25/07/1986 Friday – Elders trip to Italy

Friburgo 25/07/1986 Friday – Elders trip to Italy My holidays are incredible. Instead of doing nothing in Rio now we are doing nothing in Friburgo, at D. Nina’s place. Between Rio and Friburgo, I prefer Brasilia, and then Friburgo, because it’s cold. Thinking about it, Rio is ok too, but I have no friends there. … Read more