BSB 16/08/1986 Saturday – The most anti-climatic kiss in the history of the universe EVER

BSB 16/08/1986 Saturday – The most anti-climatic kiss in the history of the universe EVER In the morning I did the Biology resit. The day went as normal and the night finally arrived. Henrique called me yesterday! We went to the show: Renata, Daniela, Andrea, Fernando and I. My school was in heavy attendance, representing!. … Read more

BSB 13/08/1986 Wednesday

BSB 13/08/1986 Wednesday I’m so mad at Henrique, I hate him! He wasn’t home when I went to see him yesterday. Guilherme answered and said he had to go out and would call me later, but he didn’t. Why? Why is this so hard? If I saw him I’d be the happiest person in the … Read more

BSB 11/08/1986 Monday

BSB 11/08/1986 Monday Yesterday was my 2 year anniversary of writing a diary. Last year, on the 10th, our dance group “Corpo Natureza” was being baptised. Nothing ever came of that. Did little yesterday. Talked to Alexandra. Cristina, her and Ivone are all working at the Conjunto Nacional. Alexandra is working at Armação Ilimitada, Cristina … Read more

BSB 09/08/1986 Saturday

BSB 09/08/1986 Saturday Rilson came here on Thursday and gave me a gift. I found out that Henrique is going out with a girl in Paracatu. Terrible news! Ana can’t be our friend anymore. One night when she was stoned she went and told her mum, now she’s grounded, that will teach her for being … Read more

BSB 06/08/1986 Wednesday – Back to school

BSB 06/08/1986 Wednesday – Back to school Went to school today, I missed two days. Luis left, Donizete was sacked. James left. Marcos no longer teaches 1st years. I have to retake Physics, but I was still in the top 7 of my class. They honour the best students to make it competitive. But I … Read more