Friburgo 09/09/1989 Saturday

Friburgo 09/09/1989 Saturday I didn’t go to Caxambu in the end. Keyla called me on Tuesday evening saying she had argued with Valeria and their father wouldn’t let them go anymore and he was going to rip the tickets! I had already packed! Her father is an arsehole! I’ve never seen a family fight so … Read more

RJ 05/09/1989 Tuesday

RJ 05/09/1989 Tuesday Met up with Marcelo Bill this afternoon on the corner of Silva Pinto and Torres Homem and we went to Sans Peña. We went by Keyla’s and she asked us to go with her to buy her bus ticket to Caxambu and off we went. She’d been asking me to go since … Read more

RJ 03/09/1989 Sunday

RJ 03/09/1989 Sunday … Hangover… I went to Keyla’s late afternoon yesterday to keep her company until Valeria came back from a party. Keyla kept insisting that I should go out with them that night but I wasn’t in the mood. Valeria got back with a friend (Cristiane) and Keyla has already arranged to go … Read more

RJ 02/09/1989 Saturday – Brasilia

RJ 02/09/1989 Saturday – Brasilia Yesterday was fun! I went to Keyla’s in the afternoon. Her parents went away and her and Valeria are alone. I stayed all afternoon then they invited me for dinner as Efio was visiting after class. The three of us came to my place to pick up some tapes and … Read more

RJ 31/08/1989 Thursday

RJ 31/08/1989 Thursday I had some weird crazy dreams last night! Faiga knew Ana Claudia… I dreamt I was at Keyla’s house or something like that in Araras and I was going to sleep. Suddenly I see a HUGE frog on the window, the panic! Someone helped me kill it, or break one of its … Read more