BSB 29/08/1986 Friday

BSB 29/08/1986 Friday I’m in the middle of a History class. It’s 9:20am. The teacher is saying something for us to write down but I don’t feel like writing it down. I don’t know what’s going on. ‘Tenho andado distraida, impaciente e indecisa’ as Renato Russo likes to sing. I can’t concentrate on anything, I … Read more

BSB 26/08/1986 Tuesday – Loló drama

BSB 26/08/1986 Tuesday – Loló drama Yesterday, after dance class, Ana and I went searching for chloroform to make loló. We went from chemist to chemist and nothing. Until a guy on 109 told us it was now illegal to sell it, but there was one chemist on 512, where you could still buy some. … Read more

BSB 27/08/1986 Wednesday

BSB 27/08/1986 Wednesday After I wrote yesterday our team reformed. Godoi did it, he got everyone together. Renata told me today that a similar thing happened with her team. I did my English test this afternoon then I went back to school, it rained hard and I got soaked. Now here I am with nothing … Read more

BSB 24/08/1986 Sunday – Very drunk…

BSB 24/08/1986 Sunday – Very drunk… I received my first pen pal letter yesterday. His name is Jorge and he’s from Lima, Peru. He’s 16 years old. After the tests Sergio, DaMala, Vinicius, Kitty and I went to W3 North. One of the tasks for the gincana is to promote it. Each team has to … Read more

BSB 22/08/1986 Friday

BSB 22/08/1986 Friday Long time! I received a letter from Maira today, also a letter from Ana Luisa, she’s living in the USA now. Luis went to school on Wednesday and my ‘relationship’ with Rilson is collapsing, thanks to me. He came here yesterday, after two weeks, and I didn’t even kiss him, he asked … Read more