BSB 27/09/1986 Saturday

BSB 27/09/1986 Saturday After the tests, Renata, Sabrina and some other people went to Vizinhança club to watch a Capoeira roda. Riba and Karina were there too. We stayed until noon and we saw Cristiane (Henrique’s neighbour). She said Henrique changed a lot, he’s now a player, who needs to drink or sniff loló to … Read more

BSB 20/09/1986 Saturday

BSB 20/09/1986 Saturday I decided to send Henrique a letter, talking about stuff, like love and friendship. I don’t expect anything, it was more a ‘get it out of your system, goodbye’ letter. I told him how I feel and at least it’s out there, and I’m not keeping it inside. Sometimes I don’t even … Read more

BSB 18/09/1986 Thursday – Lost tooth

BSB 18/09/1986 Thursday – Lost tooth Fernando Gabeira is in favour of the legalisation of weed, according to him, so is 50% of the population… But he’s against heavier drugs. My grades have dropped incredibly! I was shocked. 35% in PS, 0% in Chemistry I and 25% in Chemistry II. Ok, I didn’t revise, but … Read more

BSB 16/09/1986 Tuesday

BSB 16/09/1986 Tuesday It’s election time and Brasilia will vote for the first time. It’s a bore. All the candidates are sticking posters everywhere. A constant cacophony of sounds coming from cars with speakers. I don’t like any of the candidates. I kinda like PT, not sure if it’s because of my mum or because … Read more

BSB 15/09/1986 Monday

BSB 15/09/1986 Monday Things at 205s are heavy. Almost everyone is sniffing coke at least three times a week. There’s even someone on heroin… But I’ve only seen this guy once and I don’t even know his name. He was shaking when I saw him, it was agonising. Viviene went to see her mum, the … Read more