BSB 11/10/1986 Saturday

BSB 11/10/1986 Saturday It’s been a while, no? I’m going to write less now as I’m only a month away from the end of classes. The exams will be rushed as this bimester will be a short one. I called Henrique on Thursday and we talked for a bit.

BSB 05/10/1986 Sunday

BSB 05/10/1986 Sunday The ‘Plano Cruzado’ is not going well. The businessmen won’t release goods to pressure the government to raise prices, and the government won’t bow down, so there’s a shortage of everything: meat, milk, egg, ice-cream. The government is importing everything. How is that going to work?

BSB 03/10/1986 Friday

BSB 03/10/1986 Friday I was in mid argument with my mum when the phone rang. It was who I least expected: Henrique! My heart beat 1000 beats. We talked for ages. One hour and fifteen minutes. He said he loved my letter. The call made my night. We talked about so much. I hadn’t even … Read more

BSB 30/09/1986 Tuesday

BSB 30/09/1986 Tuesday Everything went wrong today, I was in a foul mood. I argued with Rodrigo, I apologised later. Marco argued with me, I couldn’t focus on the lesson, I felt restless. To make it worse on the day Gustavo and I had lab class on the same day it got cancelled. I got … Read more

BSB 28/09/1986 Sunday

BSB 28/09/1986 Sunday Last night Renata, Sabrina, Patricia and I went to Zoom. I drank everything: Cuba, Martini, Caipirinha… I danced a lot! We got home at 3, I stayed at Renata’s. We got up at 11, I felt sick but didn’t throw up. I went home and suffered all day. There was a birthday … Read more