BSB 07/12/1986 Sunday

BSB 07/12/1986 Sunday It’s so hot! I can’t stay still, I get all sweaty. I spent today at the club, from 9 till 4. Renata left at 10 as she had secret santa, Alexandra and I stayed with Luis and Viviene. After the club we went to Cristina’s (Renata was there). Then Cristina, Ivone and … Read more

BSB 06/12/1986 Friday

BSB 06/12/1986 Friday Me, Renata, Alexandra, Juliana e Armando went to Velha Elite yesterday. Everyone got drunk, except me… Ginho and Ro showed up too, and later me, Alexandra, Ro, Ginho, Leo, Arnaldo went for a spliff to some guy’s house. When I got back home my mother was really angry and lectured me. I … Read more

BSB 04/12/1986 Thursday

BSB 04/12/1986 Thursday I’m on the edge of a precipice. I only managed to pass Maths, I needed 50 and got 52. Close shave! But I didn’t make it with Physics or Chemistry. I need 55 in Physics and 57 in Chemistry and I have five days to revise. Today I was really tired and … Read more

BSB 03/12/1986 Wednesday

BSB 03/12/86 Wednesday Today I invented to cycle [NOTE: This is a Brazilian expression for deciding to do something that doesn’t end well] to the club with Renata, and it wasn’t even sunny. So there we were going downhill, super quick, and when it came to stopping my bike, opposite the German embassy, to go … Read more

BSB 02/12/1986 Tuesday

BSB 02/12/1986 Tuesday Last night I smoked a spliff. I never described how it feels before, but 90% of young people know what it feels like anyhow as it’s fashionable to smoke, which isn’t so bad, the worse is that cocaine and heroin are a taking hold of the dissatisfied youth, and there are so … Read more