BSB 17/12/86 Wednesday

BSB 17/12/86 Wednesday This is the show I went to watch last night with Renata at the Teatro Nacional.  Amazing!  Legiao Urbana.  We saw the show, which was on for two amazing hours.  We had arranged I’d call my mum and she’d pick us up.  I called her and told her to pick us up … Read more

BSB 14/12/86 Sunday

BSB 14/12/86 Sunday My father called yesterday. I haven’t seen him for over a year. He’s so distant he might as well not exist, but I do miss him. From the little I know of him, he’s a good person, simply good. I feel in his voice that he wants to get close but he … Read more

BSB 13/12/86 Saturday

BSB 13/12/86 Saturday Last night Renata, Alexandra and I went to Gilberto. We sat at Asa Delta, and had a caipirinha, then we had another at Saugu’s. Then we went to Barril and drank beer. I was dizzy by the time I went for a walk with Renata, and we met Deca, Fernando, Sabrina, Flavio, … Read more

BSB 12/12/86 Friday

BSB 12/12/86 Friday Hello! Friend! Yesterday was my final exam in that shit school: Physics. Needless to say I didn’t pass. So, next year I will have to pay to retake it, in the afternoon. In the afternoon, on an whim, I went to the hairdresser, with Alexandra. I followed the stupid hairdressers suggestion and … Read more

BSB 08/12/1986 Monday

BSB 08/12/1986 Monday 32c in a city with a beach is fucked up. Now imagine 32c in this city in the middle of the cerrado, with a poluted lake and the club is closed today… It’s hell! My hand is sweating just from the writing. I like sunny days, but there’s not need to turn … Read more