BSB 31/12/86 Wednesday

BSB 31/12/86 Wednesday New year, new life, tomorrow, same thing every year. I’m a pig in the Chinese Horoscope and I’m feeling optimistic. I feel a bit down, as I have my period and a fever, but that’s ok. I’m spending NYE in Copacabana, with my mum, Carmen and people I don’t know. Not promising … Read more

RJ 28/12/86 Sunday

RJ 28/12/86 Sunday We got back from Friburgo today. I’ve never spent so much time indoors! It just rained and rained and rained. All the time. Not only in Friburgo but also here in Rio and in most of Brasil. For a week, non-stop. I miss the sun, and I’m losing my tan! I’m starting … Read more

RJ 25/12/86 Thursday

RJ 25/12/86 Thursday Merry Christmas! Mine wasn’t so happy. Maria, D. Nina, Zezé, Gilberto and I went to Friburgo. It’s been raining non-stop. Without Gabriel there, Gilberto went to bed early, Zezé cried so much. I called my mum. Gabriel has become the centre and reason for this family. The atmosphere was so down. Jeison … Read more

RJ 23/12/86 Tuesday

RJ 23/12/86 Tuesday Arrived in Rio yesterday, I came alone on the bus, but this time an older woman sat next to me, she was quite nice. So I failed in Physics and Chemistry and got a mouthful from my mum. Jeison and Maira split up and Maira and Gabriel are living with Zeze and … Read more

BSB 20/12/86 Saturday

BSB 20/12/86 Saturday Hi!!!! I went to the club on Thursday and Friday, and I have a nice tan! In the afternoon Renata called Andre to her flat, to tape some of his records. Andre and I argued like cat and dog (I used to be his girlfriend!). He’s so annoying. He’s 18 and is … Read more