BSB 20/02/1987 Friday – RIP Fabiane Bauer

BSB 20/02/1987 Friday – RIP Fabiane Bauer School restarted on Weds. Today after school Lara came up to me and said: “Fabiane died! It’s her funeral this afternoon.” I was in shock. I ran home and then went to the funeral with Lara, Celia and Patricia Figueredo. Lots of people from Caseb where there already. … Read more

BSB 14-02-1987 Saturday

BSB 14-02-1987 Saturday I’m back!!! We arrived last Saturday. News from the last 10 days: Rio=> 4th Feb Chris had a party at her house for her 18th birthday. Obviously Alexandre was there. We walked home: me, Alexandre, Denise, Ana Paula, Ana Silvia and 2 other girls. Alexandre hugged me and we walked together all … Read more

Friburgo 02/02/1987 Wednesday

Friburgo 02/02/1987 Wednesday Me, Maira, Gabriel, Ana, Adriana, Ricardo, Ari and Mauricio came to Friburgo for four days. We arrived yesterday afternoon. Monday and Tuesday I was mad at Maira and spent the whole time ignoring her. We spent Tuesday morning fighting. She said she’s not going to Brasilia and I didn’t care and now … Read more

RJ 29/01/1987 Thursday

RJ 29/01/1987 Thursday I go home on the 6th of February, my beloved land! Every time I go away I feel that’s my place, I love it so much. Maira and Gabriel are coming too. Every time I come here I learn a lot and store it in my brain. People here are different and … Read more