BSB 31/03/1987 Tuesday

BSB 31/03/1987 Tuesday It seems there’s going to be a teacher’s strike. There’s already a bankers and doctors strike… Everyone wanted a 100% pay rise. The ‘Plano Cruzado’ has already died and been buried and everything has gone up in price. Brazil asked for a moratorium and there are rumours of an ‘Economy of War’. … Read more

BSB 15/03/1987 Sunday – Loló fall

BSB 15/03/1987 Sunday – Loló fall Yesterday was my Friday 13th, so much back luck. After my guitar lesson I went to Ana Claudia’s flat and we went to meet up with Faiga and Alessandra. We had arranged to sniff loló. We bought a bottle from the chemist and went to a block’s roof and … Read more

BSB 06/03/1987 Friday – Carnival trouble

BSB 06/03/1987 Friday – Carnival trouble I feel really cold because I have a 38c fever, a horrible headache. I woke up like this today and missed school. I only went to carnival on Tuesday. In the afternoon me, Renata, Gino, Junior, William and some other people from 405 went to AABB, everyone was getting … Read more

BSB 01/03/1987 Sunday

BSB 01/03/1987 Sunday It’s carnival… Man, what a fucked up headache I have right now! I feel like vomiting. I’m grounded because I had an argument with my mum and I can’t go out to see the parade (Pacotão) the only nice thing about this stupid, expensive carnival in Brasilia. Yesterday afternoon, in our tedium … Read more

BSB 23/02/1987 Monday

BSB 23/02/1987 Monday Three days without Fabiane… Before it was three months and I didn’t miss her because I knew I could see her whenever I wanted. It’s been three days since I last saw her and I miss her because I can only see her in photos. I spent the weekend at home. On … Read more