BSB 20/06/1987 Saturday

BSB 20/06/1987 Saturday Wow, it’s been a while! I have so much to tell. I’ve been suffering so much in the last five days or so! I will tell you about it from the start. I started to go out with Gino because he insisted so much and I wanted to kiss him. After three … Read more

BSB 17/05/1987 Sunday

BSB 17/05/1987 Sunday I’ve been seeing Gino for 12 days and I think I really like him. School restarted last Monday and I had Physics and History tests on Saturday. I didn’t revise and obviously failed Physics. I think I passed History. I’m fucked, I got a red mark in Biology, Maths and now Physics. … Read more

BSB 02/05/1987 Saturday

BSB 02/05/1987 Saturday The strike is still on and it’s been great. We got close to all the people in the area again and I fancy a boy, Gino. He lives on the same building as me, the one I got together with at Carnival. The average age here is 16. It’s a big group: … Read more

BSB 13/04/1987 Monday

BSB 13/04/1987 Monday Schools are still on strike and no lessons… I’m in a terrible phase. Arguing with my mother every minute, over little things. She said she can’t take it anymore and can’t stand me. I either see a doctor or I leave the house. I don’t know what it is, it’s like the … Read more