BSB 13/09/1987 Sunday

BSB 13/09/1987 Sunday My mum goes to London around the 25th of September and I’m not sure where I’m staying yet, or at the flat with a friend of my mum’s who will be moving to our flat, or a hostel, or at Carmen’s place. I don’t know and I don’t want to know. So … Read more

BSB 05/08/1987 Wednesday

BSB 05/08/1987 Wednesday I went to Sigma college in the morning with Nica to see friends. What a nice college! Orlando, Riba, Rodrigo, Luis Antonio and people from the party at the cottage… Everyone. Apart from Henrique. What a shame! I think I’m going to call him… I want someone to talk to. Gino is … Read more

BSB 01/08/1987 Saturday

BSB 01/08/1987 Saturday So much to tell! Last Saturday Maira and her boyfriend came to visit. There’s a Philosophy Congress in Goiania, so they came to Brasilia to say hi. I’m moving to Rio in September as I managed to convince everyone of my incompetence to stay here, alone. All this time I didn’t write … Read more

BSB 21/06/1987 Sunday

BSB 21/06/1987 Sunday Last night me, Renata and Asclê went to Leonardo’s (school) party. Renata was being a pain because of Gino, who barely spoke to her yesterday. I was drinking with Ana Claudia, Faiga and Luis. I drank a lot of wine and silly danced with Luis. Suddenly the lights went out and everyone … Read more