RJ 10/02/1988 Wednesday – Leaving Brasilia

RJ 10/02/1988 Wednesday – Leaving Brasilia I arrived in Rio today at 8am. The goodbyes were sad and emotional. The gang went to the bus station to say goodbye. I couldn’t cry. Me and Gino travelled together and argued. Every time we argue I like him more. We argued because I accidentally burned a hole … Read more

BSB 04/01/1988 Monday

BSB 04/01/1988 Monday Saturday night me, Luciana, Patricia and Marcos went to Espaço (a bar at 406) and Alberto, a guy I met ages ago, Dario and Luciano sat with us as they know Marcos. I drank way too much and was out of it. Around midnight we took Luciana and Patricia home and Alberto … Read more

BSB 4/12/1987 Friday

BSB 4/12/1987 Friday My conscience weighed so heavily that I decided to kick Rodrigo out of my life forever. The weekend before last I didn’t go out with the gang. I went out with Luciana, Carlos and Danda (Luciana’s friend’s) just so there was no temptation if I saw Rodrigo. So I escaped that time. … Read more

BSB 06/10/1987 Tuesday – Mother moved to London

BSB 06/10/1987 Tuesday – Mother moved to London My mum has gone to London on Friday and now I’m alone and defenceless in this world. I’m still in the flat with Irma and Jane (the maid, she’s crazy) and Irma’s 4 year old daughter arrives tomorrow. There’s no one telling me what to do, I … Read more