RJ 06/05/1988 Friday – Life goals

RJ 06/05/1988 Friday – Life goals This afternoon some of us went to Andrea’s house to watch ‘Dirty Dancing’. It was mostly girls and two guys from our class. They’re ok but not great. Patience, I have to be content with this, it might be I’m just not used to them. News from Brasilia: Bocão … Read more

RJ 03/05/1988 Tuesday

RJ 03/05/1988 Tuesday Long time huh? School is getting better and better. We have finished the first bimester (i.e. term of two months). I cheated in Physics and got 80%! I didn’t do well in Organic Chemistry, I tried to cheat but the teacher saw me and nearly gave me 0. Either way, I got … Read more

RJ 13/03/1988 Sunday – New School – Martins

RJ 13/03/1988 Sunday – New School – Martins It’s nearly a month since I got here… Feels like a year. Gino finally called me last night. I missed our silly fights and our hot nights. Renata called me yesterday and I spent the day writing a big letter to Alexandra. I also wrote to Henrique … Read more

RJ 27/02/1988 Saturday – Umbanda

RJ 27/02/1988 Saturday – Umbanda Last night me, Maira and Gilberto went to a Umbanda Spiritual Centre, it was my first time… It was an important night, not because I discovered a fact, but for a confirmation of something. Before talking to the entity Joaquim we prayed and meditated. I entered a trance like estate … Read more

RJ 14/02/1988 Sunday – Rain and flood

RJ 14/02/1988 Sunday Monday – smoked two cigarettes, met Daniel. Tuesday – Nothing happened. Wednesday – Bought 24 Garfield cards, Luciana and Patricia called me! Thursday – went to Daniel’s house to see the kitten he found, went to Sergio’s. Friday – Most horrifying day of my life. I went to visit Ana Claudia in … Read more