RJ 15/12/1988 Thursday

RJ 15/12/1988 Thursday I did my final Chemistry exam and I fucked up. I needed 80% and I think I got 0. But most people failed anyway… After the exam the traditional chatting on the bar’s doorway. Me and Gustavo sat alone talking. When Gustavo called yesterday Marcos was there and we couldn’t really talk. … Read more

RJ 14/12/1988 Wednesday

RJ 14/12/1988 Wednesday The barbeque was amazing indeed. I went, Keyla.. Gustavo… I spent most of the time arguing with Gustavo. I was afraid we’d get together again, we were both keeping some distance. On Friday, the 9th, me, Barbosa, Ana, Luis, Marcelo H., Mauro, Marcos, Silvana and the rest of the gang went to … Read more

RJ 30/11/1988 Wednesday

RJ 30/11/1988 Wednesday Monday… Gustavo kept insisting on smoking the rest of my weed with me, he pestered me so much I gave in. We came to the flat after class. Maira, Claudio and the woman who does the washing & ironing were here. We had lunch, Maira and Claudio went out. We went to … Read more

RJ 25/11/1988 Saturday

RJ 25/11/1988 Saturday My 4th bimester exams are over, now only final exams and retakes. After the exam yesterday Gustavo and I went to the Andarai favela to buy weed. I don’t know why I went. When we got there Gustavo took the uniform shirt off and went up. I sat on a bar’s doorway, … Read more

RJ 20/11/1988 Sunday

RJ 20/11/1988 Sunday I want to write more but I got out of the habit! Remember George, from Araras? Last weekend I went there with Keyla, on the 12th. We came back on the 15th. I got drunk on the first night and we got together, as soon as he saw me he took over … Read more