RJ 01/10/1989 Monday

RJ 01/10/1989 Monday Despite the boredom the year has flown by, so fast I only just realised it’s October! It was only the other day I was doing my vestibular exams! Despite the velocity it’s all a bit distant, like it happened a long time ago. Time eats my memories, as if everything that happened … Read more

RJ 27/09/1989 Wednesday

RJ 27/09/1989 Wednesday The dollar shot up today: $7.30! I’m so angry… If only my mum wasn’t in such a rush, what was 3,480 yesterday would have been 4,150 new cruzados today. How it hurts. I went to the dentist in the morning and then to my grandad’s to collect my mum’s passport so I … Read more

RJ 26/09/1989 Tuesday

RJ 26/09/1989 Tuesday Luciana called on Sunday and said Gino asked her how I was, if she’d been talking to me regularly… I felt a strong urge to call him! This one today was fucked up! My mum is going to buy my ticket to London in Brasilia and I was going to send her … Read more

RJ 24/09/1989 Sunday

RJ 24/09/1989 Sunday Big hangover today! There was a party at Gisele’s (she turned 19 on the 20th). Me, Keyla and Valeria went with Keyla’s friend whose name I can’t remember. Silvana and Barbosa also went. So, me and Valeria sat down and drank 5 caipirinhas and I hadn’t eaten since lunch and only ate … Read more

RJ 22/09/1989 Friday

RJ 22/09/1989 Friday Went to the dentist on Weds and today, in the end I had 8 fillings and one canal. I guess it’s not that bad after three years without going to dentist, not brushing my teeth often, eating lots of sugar and meat and smoking and drinking. From now on I’m brushing my … Read more