RJ 13/01/1989 Friday

RJ 13/01/1989 Friday Gustavo called in the morning and said he was coming to see me. I went out to buy meat, called him when I got back (he left a message asking me to call him) and he said he couldn’t come as he was waiting for a call from a friend he’s going … Read more

RJ 12/01/1989 Thursday

RJ 12/01/1989 Thursday It’s my mum’s birthday today (44 years old). I’ve been missing her! Last night after I wrote here, I called Gustavo but it was engaged. When I finally got through I gave up before he answered. He must have read my thoughts and called me today at lunchtime. He was mad at … Read more

RJ 11/01/1989 Wednesday

RJ 11/01/1989 Wednesday I’m getting mad at Gino, why hasn’t he called for fuck’s sake? Hasn’t he arrived? Either way he should have called me. How inconsiderate! Stupid Gustavo hasn’t called for a week. Is he fucking sulking? (what a dirty mouth I have, fucking hell!) Today I was reading my diary from when I … Read more

RJ 10/01/1989 Tuesday – Vestibular

RJ 10/01/1989 Tuesday – Vestibular Got up at 5:30, met up with Ana and we got the ferry to Niteroi. Silvana and Renata were on the same ferry. The History exam was fucked up hard! I checked the answers of the UERJ exams on the newspapers and I got more than 5 in all the … Read more

RJ 09/01/1989 Monday – Vestibular

RJ 09/01/1989 Monday – Vestibular On Sunday I did the UFF exam, 2nd phase. Portuguese, Literature and Spanish and it went well (I wonder if I’ll pass) I got 83 points in the 1st phase… Marco phoned me again, he might come back here, I hope so! Monica gave us a horrible assessment! I don’t … Read more