RJ 19/02/1989 Sunday – Vestibular

RJ 19/02/1989 Sunday – Vestibular Silvana called me last night and told me I came in 13th place in Portuguese/Literature. There were 30 places, I got 5397 points. That’s really good, sometimes I surprise myself! Me, Zezé and Maira went to visit grandad yesterday late afternoon. He had taken some medication to help him sleep … Read more

RJ 18/02/1989 Saturday – Vestibular

RJ 18/02/1989 Saturday – Vestibular I passed the 1st phase at UERJ. I saw it in the newspaper today. To pass I needed a global average of 4 and I got 4.78. What a relief!!! I went to Ana’s yesterday afternoon. The results were out yesterday afternoon, but you had to go to UERJ. When … Read more

RJ 12/02/1989 Sunday

RJ 12/02/1989 Sunday Went to the beach with Zezé, Gil and Gabi but the sun was really crap but at least it didn’t rain. There’s been no sun for two weeks! My mum called in the evening and we talked for half an hour. She’s seeing a 35 year old german, 2m tall. But she’s … Read more

RJ 11/02/1989 (early) Saturday

RJ 11/02/1989 (early) Saturday I couldn’t go out last night because everyone went to the Centre (Umbanda Centre, not city centre) for the year’s opening and I had to babysit Gabriel. Antonio called, we were on the phone for ages, but I don’t think his intentions are very ‘good’, and if mine weren’t either, then … Read more

RJ 09/02/1989 Thursday – Vestibular

RJ 09/02/1989 Thursday – Vestibular We just got back from Friburgo (it’s 21:00). I watched lots of samba schools on TV and on Tuesday, me, Maira, Zezé, Eliza and the kids (Marcelo, Gabi and Felipe) went to the Country club, matinee, for the kids to jump about. It was as close as I got to … Read more