RJ 28/02/1989 Tuesday – Vestibular

RJ 28/02/1989 Tuesday – Vestibular This morning I went to UERJ to do the History and Spanish exams. I finished it all by 10, maybe I’ll pass. I hope so. After I finished I met Kiko and we stayed together until 11:30, waiting for Alan. He never turned up and I went to Itau bank … Read more

RJ 26/02/1989 Sunday

RJ 26/02/1989 Sunday Me and Maira went to Saens Peña yesterday morning. We bought lots of things for Julia. She’ll be born at the beginning of April. I revised a bit for Literature in the afternoon for today’s exam at UERJ. I went to bed early last night and the phone rang at 2am. My … Read more

RJ 24/02/1989 Friday

RJ 24/02/1989 Friday I went to Martins yesterday to meet Silvana to go to UERJ to pick up the confirmation card for the 2nd phase. We bumped into Alan. He’s so nice, shame nothing ever happened (He didn’t want it to!). We met Kiko at UERJ and I went home talking to him. When I … Read more

RJ 22/02/1989 Wednesday

RJ 22/02/1989 Wednesday Marcos called me Monday and arranged to meet in front of Barra Shopping, near the Bradesco cash machine at 16:00. I got a lift with Eliana and my aunt, they were going to Freeway, but I only got there at 17:00, thankfully Marcos was still waiting and Zezé met him. We had … Read more

RJ 20/02/1989 Monday

RJ 20/02/1989 Monday I went to Martins in the morning to pick some of my certificates, the rest will be done by Wednesday then I went to the Post Office. Went to Keyla’s in the afternoon. She picked up the negatives from the photos from our school trip to Petropolis/Teresopolis last July, the one I … Read more