RJ 11/03/1989 Saturday

RJ 11/03/1989 Saturday Marcos called yesterday, he’s still in Rio, and he asked if I was going to see A-ha. We were on the phone for ages. Gabriel arrives back from Fortaleza tomorrow. Antonio called at 19:00 asking me out to the cinema, I said I didn’t know and he asked me to call back … Read more

RJ 07/03/1989 Tuesday

RJ 07/03/1989 Tuesday Madness! Everything happens when I least expect it. This afternoon none other than Gustavo called! He said he was popping over to return some books he borrowed. I felt so happy as I’ve been meaning to call him for a long time but I couldn’t do it, I didn’t want to take … Read more

RJ 03/03/1989 Friday – Stalking & Spirituality

RJ 03/03/1989 Friday Today was funny… At 11 in the morning the bell rings. I could see someone tall through the door glass, it could only be Antonio, I jumped and ran to the bedroom and asked Mrs Nina to say I wasn’t in. I could hear the dialog from the kitchen: Mrs Nina: She’s … Read more

RJ 02/03/1989 Thursday

RJ 02/03/1989 Thursday I tried not to think about the History exam, but failed. People kept reminding me of it by asking how I’d done. I finally got my Secondary School Certificate. It looks good. I went to Keyla’s and she insisted I stay there all day , but, not sure why, I came home. … Read more

RJ 01/03/1989 Wednesday – Vestibular

RJ 01/03/1989 Wednesday I got up and went to buy O Globo newspaper to check the exam answers and I fucked up! Can you believe what I did??? The History exam had 7 questions… And I only saw 4! What a fucking imbecil. Worst of all, I knew the answer to the other 3 questions. … Read more