RJ 18/06/1989 Sunday – Feeling down

RJ 18/06/1989 Sunday – Feeling down We skipped class on Sunday and went to Tchan (me, Luiz, Jane, Christiane, Luciana and the car owner). I bumped into Marcelo Moreira and he told me Saturday was Martin’s June party. I drank two glasses of wine and talked to Luiz all the time we were there. I … Read more

RJ 15/06/1989 Thursday

RJ 15/06/1989 Thursday It’sunny again in Rio, but it’s cold (18c, during the day). It’s even colder at night and I enjoy it. When I got home from UERJ last night, Antonio rang and we were on the phone for ages. I was straight with him: we can hang out but I’m not getting together … Read more

RJ 12/06/1989 Monday – Valentine’s day

RJ 12/06/1989 Monday – Valentine’s day Here I am, in Noah’s Ark, at the end (or start) of a deluge. It’s been raining NONSTOP since Saturday night. Flamengo’s match was postponed because the stadium was like a swamp. I didn’t even leave the flat yesterday to buy cigarettes afraid I’d drown. This city is really … Read more

RJ 10/06/1989 Saturday

RJ 10/06/1989 Saturday Well, let’s do the warm up so we can hear the news. Everyone went to Friburgo in the morning but I didn’t want to go. Keyla came here and we went to the market to buy oranges and potatoes for me. Then we went to the saloon for her to get her … Read more

RJ 07/06/1989

RJ 07/06/1989 Gustavo, Gustavo, Gustavo, Gustavo, Gustavo, Gustavo, Gustavo, Gustavo, Gustavo, Gustavo, Gustavo, Gustavo, Gustavo, Gustavo, Gustavo, Gustavo, Gustavo, Gustavo, Gustavo, Gustavo, Gustavo, Gustavo, Gustavo, Gustavo, Gustavo, Gustavo, Gustavo, Gustavo, Gustavo, Gustavo, Gustavo, Gustavo, Gustavo, Gustavo, Gustavo, Gustavo, Gustavo, Gustavo, Gustavo, Gustavo, Gustavo, Gustavo,Gustavo, Gustavo, Gustavo, Gustavo, Gustavo, Gustavo, Gustavo, Gustavo, Gustavo, Gustavo, Gustavo, Gustavo, … Read more