RJ 02/07/1989 Sunday

RJ 02/07/1989 Sunday I watched an amazing film by Alan Parker last night and today. I’m a fan of his, he’s an amazing director. This time I watched Angel Heart (it’s translated as Satanic Heart to Portuguese, which gives the twist away! Why?) with Mikey Rourke and Robert de Niro. Me and Maira had to … Read more

RJ 01/07/1989 Saturday – Baptism at the Umbanda Centre

RJ 01/07/1989 Saturday – Baptism at the Umbanda Centre Last night was Gabriel and Julia’s christening at the Umbanda Centre, my aunt said she accidentally bought an extra ribbon. When we were having lunch (the whole family), they commented I’ve never been baptised (as my mother is a staunch atheist). Then it was like we … Read more

RJ 25/06/1989 Sunday

RJ 25/06/1989 Sunday Ana called me late afternoon, inviting me out with her, Mauro and somebody else. I didn’t know who the somebody else was going to be yet, I called Gustavo (he was in Botafogo) but he said he had been invited to a party in Leblon, but would call me soon, to let … Read more

RJ 23/06/1989 Friday

RJ 23/06/1989 Friday I went to UERJ yesterday just to watch a show. Me, Jane, Marilia and Wanderleia. The show was at the acoustic stage, instrumental music with 4 guys, I forgot their name (they are very famous abroad). It was packed! The show was amazing, 10 x nil on any show I’ve ever seen … Read more

RJ 19/06/1989 Monday

RJ 19/06/1989 Monday To make up for yesterday, the day started well. English lesson was great, Fred always cheers me up (he can cheer a dead person up), then I went to get my electoral title! If we vote for Lula we can change this panorama. Bunch of alienated fools, those who will vote for … Read more