Sunday 26th of January 2014 – Hitchhiking in Brasilia

Sunday 26th of January 2014 – Hitchhiking in Brasilia Between 1984-1986 our preferred mode of transportation was hitchhiking.  Growing up in Brasilia seemed so safe we never once felt we were in any danger.  Even so, we’d never give them our correct phone number (some people asked) or told them exactly where we lived.  I … Read more

RJ 21/10/1989 Saturday – Last day in Rio

RJ 21/10/1989 Saturday – Last day in Rio It’s tomorrow… I can’t believe it. I was doing nothing all day. Keyla said she was coming here but didn’t… My things filled up a big bag, a smaller bag and a rucksack. I can’t go over the weight limit. My records, books and summer clothes are … Read more

RJ 17/10/1989 Tuesday

RJ 17/10/1989 Tuesday I got back from Friburgo today. There was a big kerfuffle. My father was going to pay for half my plane ticket yesterday, but his guarantor didn’t show up… So him and my mother had a big argument last night, over the phone, my mother called him irresponsible and there was a … Read more

RJ 14/10/1989 Saturday

RJ 14/10/1989 Saturday FINALLY, my mother arrived from Brasilia! She stayed at Zezé’s and then went to Friburgo, to relax. I’m going tomorrow to say goodbye to Maira, Gabriel, Julia, Mrs Nina and Claudio. I can’t stay with my mother for any length of time without an argument. Sometimes it feels like I’m her mother… … Read more