Wednesday 7th of December 2011 – Aphex’s accident

Wednesday 7th of December 2011 – Aphex’s accident Sunday, 20th of November started off very very foggy and we were looking forward to a nice Sunday Roast later in the day.  The night before J and I watched ‘Elite Troop’ (Tropa de Elite) and Aphex had been sitting on my lap, as I relaxed on … Read more

Monday 30th of August 2011 – More on kittens…

Monday 30th of August 2011 – More on kittens… Rusty tried to move the kittens from the living room to under our bed quite a few times towards the end of last week. After some pondering, I decided to move her to your wardrobe, she’s been more settled since.  Too much traffic in the living … Read more

Friday 26th of August – Kittens!!!!

Friday 26th of August – Kittens!!!! While we were in Boomtown we asked Vicky to housesit, as we thought Rusty might have had kittens while were away. Thankfully she didn’t, it took another week for it to happen, and by then she was huuuuuuge! On the Sunday (21st of August), when she gave birth, she … Read more