Mr. P. Squeaks, a new cat in our life

Rusty & Squeaks getting closer everyday...

Go to 8th of September 2024 for latest update Thursday 22nd of August 2024 On Sunday, 28th of July, I was playing Badminton with my granddaughter at the green outside our house, when we heard a distressed miaowing. I’d heard it before, a few times, tried to work out where it was coming from, but … Read more

Wednesday 19th of July 2017 – Chimney Crow

Wednesday 19th of July 2017 – Chimney Crow I was finishing putting the shopping away in the morning when I heard some loud scuffling noises from the chimney (it’s in between kitchen and living room). I thought maybe the cat was stuck in there so I ran to living room and just caught a glimpse … Read more

Categories cat

Tuesday 2nd of June 2015 – Birdgate

Tuesday 2nd of June 2015 – Birdgate When our cat, Rusty, dragged a creature into the hallway I was in the living room. I saw it and closed the door to the hallway. I thought it was a mouse, panicking and not knowing what to do I asked for help on Facebook. As the Facebook … Read more

Categories cat

Wednesday 14th of June 2014 – Rusty, the photogenic cat

Wednesday 14th of June 2014 – Rusty, the photogenic cat As you no longer let me constantly take photos of you since you hit puberty (understandable) I have had to find another muse… This dubious honour has fallen to Rusty, the best cat in the world ever, who’s a very compliant subject and is happy … Read more