London 28/04/1990 Saturday

London 28/04/1990 Saturday At Capoeira, on Monday, Denise and Robinson had a huge argument during lesson. A really bad one. So bad Letitia, her new boyfriend and Marcia left in the middle of the class. I was depressed, and so was everyone who stayed till the end. After it was finished, me, Karl and James … Read more

London 22/04/1990 Sunday

London 22/04/1990 Sunday I got fired yesterday… I was kinda funny. Helena was grating the parmesan cheese and Joe asked her to stop and told me to do it instead. Well, that got my goat and I asked why I had to do it when Helena was doing it already… Oh, he was infuriated and … Read more

London 19/04/1990 Thursday

London 19/04/1990 Thursday Went to the shop last Friday, but Letitia’s boss is in financial difficulty and he’s even thinking about firing her. And so that means, no new job, so I’m still working for Joe, but not for much longer. Karl came here on Monday night (it was a holiday) and then we went … Read more

London 06/04/1990 Saturday

London 06/04/1990 Saturday After three days off I went back to work yesterday. Nowadays, whenever I can, I steal something. Well, not sure stealing is the right word. As I’m being paid such a bad wage I’m finding alternative ways of compensation. This week it was £10 and two packets of cigarettes. There’s an easy … Read more